Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Obama Hustle

I'm from Detroit and yes we have a hustle for everything!!!! But I ain't mad, in fact gone ladies work it out!!!!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

I've been working out and eating better...

So do you see a change. I do. I am posting this because I hurt my knee while I was working out and I have not been as deligent as I was before with working out. I would like to be down to a 16 or a 14 by the end of the year . I am wearing an 18 now, I was wearing a 22 heading quickly too a 24.
So second photo was taken on December 31, 2007 our 3rd wedding anniversary and the first photo was taken on July 26, 2008 at a friend's birthday party. As you see I got my hair cut off and am thinking about going natural. Also been working on skin care and trying to put on a little bit of makeup every day. I think I even look younger!!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

More Digi-Scraping

Here is a new digital scrapbook layout I did of the Kids.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Looking for a new church home

This has been a goal of mine for a while. When we first moved out here to the 'burbs we were still going to the church were we got married. But soon for a variety of reason both hubby and I became dissatisfied with the church we were attending in the City. I still love the people that go there and unlike hubby I have no real beef with the leadership of that church and if hubby had not been so passionate about it I would still be going but not as frequently. Anyway I decided that I needed to make a list of what I am looking for in a new spiritual home some of it is surface stuff some of it is super important.

1. A place that I feel comfortable in, I don't won't to be the only darky up in there and if I am I don't need it pointed out to me every week. Also not looking for a place where I have to dress up every Sunday at first I found that strange growing up in the AME church now I love it.

2. I know this is lame but I would love a church with a good choir. My last church had a small but good choir with a diverse song selection. A good example would be Lakewood Church in Houston,TX and the music ministry of Israel Houghton and Cindy Cruse-Ratcliff. I love gospel music but rock gospel not so much.

3. I don't want to feel like a weirdo for not having kids. I know I have Sarah and Milan but they are not with me us all the time, and at this point I am tired of explaining why hubby and I don't have kids together. Just accept me as I am as far as motherhood is concerned.

4. Stop begging and get out of my pocket. I don't mind giving to the church but hearing that I am headed to hell because I don't tithe does not make me a cheerful giver, sorry. Times is tight so if Rev gots to give up his Bentley and go back old school and drive a Cadillac or Lincoln so be it.

5. Clicques are normal and don't bother me too much but this ain't high school so at least be friendly and polite, let me eat at your lunch table sometimes ok?

6. Don't try to work me to death, this is how hubby and I kinda got burned out in our old church. I know how to sit my butt down but for some folks like hubby they just end up walking away hurt and angry.

7. Let me see you out in the community doing good deeds, but at the same time remember you have to take care of your members.

8. Everybody does not want to go to a mega church. As much as I love Joel Olsteen, I ain't trying to move to Houston and go to Lakewood. If I was to go to Houston I would visit Lakewood and I love the diversity I see there but dang it has more people going there than people that attend my Alma Matter CMU! Again no beef with Mega Churches I just like the idea of at least my pastor knows my face, if not my name.

9. A sense of community. I want to know that people are praying for me, my marriage, my family, and I want to be in turn doing the same for them.

Well that's it for now will add more when I think of it. Feel free to mention anything you think I am missing.

This is What we Did on the 4th

Milan became an offical member (is that the correct term?) of the Mason about two weeks ago, and so this year he got to march in the local 4th of July parade. This parade starts at like 7:30 in the morning and I have to say it was kinda cute in an all American corny kinda way. Well anyhoo here are some photos enjoy!!! Can you guess which one is hubby? LOL!!!