Thursday, December 28, 2006

Ladies, Ladies, Ladies

Hi everyone!!! If you listen to the Steve Harvey Show you know that is how Nephew Tommy starts out one of his skits. This week entertainment wise has been about the Ladies for me. I saw Dreamgirls the other day and yes to me it was worth the hype. I have loved the song "And I am telling you, I'm not going" since I was 13. It was one of those song that I know I drove my mother crazy with by playing over and over again. Also I'm from the D and a big Surpremes fan so I love seeing the Motown-esqe stuff in the movie. The funny and kinda sad thing about seeing the movie is that a lot of people don't know what a musical is. So when people are singing instead of talking some members of the audience got kinda confused. Another problem was that being that is is Christmas break there were a bunch of teens in the audience and a lot of them seemed to have the attention span of a nat. One of my friend told off one kid because he came into the movie chatting on his cell. He seemed confused by the concept of manners but Lisa straighted him out quick. My second thing is that I finished reading Carl Webber 's new book First Lady it was pretty cool. A nice quick easy read.

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